WordPress is a website creation platform where you can create most beautiful websites. Working on the website is very simple. Availability of numbers of WordPress plugins reduces both the time and effort of users. But there are many things that you need to keep in mind to run your website smooth and improve the user experience. Here I am going to list down some of the most common mistakes that should be avoided while working on WordPress.
Using Too Many Plugins
There are thousands of plugins we can install in WordPress and TBH, we all likes plugins as they simplify our work and saves our time. But having too much of anything can be dangerous. Adding too many plugins reduces the efficiency of your website by making it not only complex but also reduces the website speed. Thus, it is always advisable to limit yourself with the only required plugins that are must for your website.
Not Adding Social Sharing button
Social media is the most important tool nowadays to push business. If you are not using social media platforms to promote your brand and business then you are in big trouble. Because your competitors are trying their best to share everything related to their products, brand, services etc. on social media platforms. Therefore, implementing WordPress social share buttons should be on top priority for you. These buttons help your users to share your products or services among their social networks. This will not only helps you to promote your brand but also in building trust on more customers.
Forgetting to Create Backup

Not backing up our WordPress website is another common mistake we generally make . Most of the businesses notice the importance of backups when they lose their most precious data. It’s extremely recommended to backup your information and data either manually or automatically on regular intervals. The high probabilities of website crashes makes it necessary to possess an accurate backup because nothing is 100% secure in the world of technology. wordpress.org respectively.
So, friends, these are some common mistakes typically we make while working on WordPress. If I forgot to mention any other point, let me know in the comments.
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